TRICERA on course for growth and with the most storage systems from innovation tenders

Dresden, June 17, 2024

Innovation tenders are held twice a year by the Federal Network Agency and are aimed at plant combinations from various renewable energy sources (RE) as well as mergers of RE plants and storage facilities.

The aim of the BNetzA is to “promote technical solutions that are particularly useful for the grid or system and that prove to be efficient in a technology-neutral competitive process”, ultimately the use of storage systems in combination with renewable energies in order to better utilize the grid infrastructure, absorb peak loads from photovoltaics and wind and stabilize the electricity grid.

In 2021 and 2022 in particular, TRICERA applied intensively as an EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) for projects from innovation tenders and was able to win most of them during this period. Since then, 22 out of 107 projects – just over 20% – have been on the order list of the specialist for 2nd use EV (electric vehicle) batteries. There has always been a strong focus on regionality when it comes to 2nd use. From containers and batteries to inverters, the products come from the EU and Germany. TRICERA thus actively strengthens German and European value creation. During the peak phases, the company installed 4 MWh of battery capacity per day and all battery storage systems have now been installed.


Background TRICERA energy

To a new era – that is the vision of TRICERA energy GmbH. The sustainable company based in Freiberg and Dresden specializes in the development, construction and operation of medium (<500kWh) to large (>2MWh) battery storage systems that can be equipped with both 1st and 2nd life batteries. Our flexibility enables a cost-optimized, demand-driven and renewable energy supply. The core business comprises three areas of expertise: Engineering and consulting, project development and system integration. With 90 employees consisting of leading experts in the battery industry and many years of experience in various fields of expertise, TRICERA energy is a qualified partner when it comes to the energy transition. To date, TRICERA has installed 196 megawatt-hours of capacity and 119 megawatts of power with 12 partners in 35 projects.

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Contact person 

Philipp Berger
Telefon +49 151 57675400
Industriestraße 65
01129 Dresden